As a long-term institutional investor, the Utah retirement systems document argues that "managers should smooth maximum allowable redemption pressure over a long period of time to ensure that the liquidity risk premium is not subsidised by long-term investors". 作为一位长线机构投资者,utahretirementsystems的文件辩称,“基金经理应在长时期内抚平允许进行的最大赎回压力,以确保长线投资者不会使流动性风险溢价下降”。
Subscribers are required to redeem the premium from a designated address within the redemption period specified in the Redemption Letter. 客户须于换领信内所列之换领限期内到指定之地址换领赠品。
And partial-bond funds 'best redemption ratio influence factors are fund size and previous period redemption ratio. 偏债型基金赎回率的最佳影响变量是基金规模和上期赎回率。